Dear Fans, Dear Friends,
To begin with, I would like to thank you very much. Your reaction to my first collection was simply overwhelming. My team and I really did not expect your amazing enthusiasm. This
passion and love for my music are unbelievably motivating for me. For this very reason, it is a particular pleasure for me to fulfil your wish for a second volume. This time it was very exciting for Franck, John and me, to link the collection to my latest album "Alive - my soundtrack". I believe that something like this has not been done before and I am very happy to be leading the way in a new musical and artistic direction. I hope you enjoy listening to the album, following the printed music and trying out my fingering. Our specially-written piano parts are intended to motivate you to play the pieces accompanied by good musicians and so to provide musical support. I hope you will enjoy working on these pieces and interpreting them in you own way.
All the very best, David
You can puchase my second music sheet band either at Schott Music or on my official webshop